Acting Inspector General (IGP) Priyantha Weerasuriya has instructed yesterday (8) to initiate legal proceedings against candidates who failed to submit their income and expenditure reports in relation to the 2024 General Election.
According to the Election Expenditure Regulation Act No. 03 of 2023, reports of income and expenditure of the recognised political parties, independent groups and each candidate who contested must be submitted to the Returning Officer of the relevant electoral district within 21 days of the release of the results of an election.
The Election Commission has already forwarded a detailed report to the Acting IGP regarding 1,042 candidates and 197 political party secretaries and independent group leaders who have not yet submitted their income and expenditure reports.
The Acting IGP has instructed the Police Divisions belonging to the relevant electoral districts to commence investigations into these respondents listed in the detailed report sent by the Election Commission, under the supervision of the DIG Legal Division through the Divisional Criminal Investigation Bureaus.
The Acting IGP has instructed all SDIGs, DIGs and Divisional Officers to prepare extracts related to the said investigations by the Divisional Officers before January 31 and submit them to the Attorney General for advice.
Varuna Dayaratne