A man who posted a beer promotion advertisement on Facebook has been fined Rs.25,000 by the Matugama Magistrate’s Court. Magistrate N.Nanayakkara issued the fine after the accused admitted to the offence.
Court also sternly warned him against such activities on social media, noting that they could have a significant negative impact on the younger generation.
Matugama Public Health Inspector Rasika Indrajith Munasinghe and Welipenna Public Health Inspector G.D.Madushan conducted the investigation into the advertisement, which included photographs of beer bottles with a prominent beer brand name. The investigation was carried out under the guidance of the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (NATA).
This marks the first instance in Sri Lanka where an individual has been presented to Court for promoting alcohol on social media. Despite repeated summons by the Public Health Inspectors, the suspect failed to appear in Court, leading to charges under Section 35 (1) of the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act No. 27 of 2006.
B.T. Thambawita