Esteemed actor Subodh Bhave has now joined the team of Ek Se Ek actors of the much awaited film Devmanoos directed by Tejas Deoskar. With actors Subodh Bhave, Mahesh Manjrekar and Renuka Shahane sharing the screen this year, the film is set to be a multi-starrer film with an engaging and high quality drama that will attract and experience audiences across Maharashtra and beyond.
Balgandharva, and… Dr. Known for his memorable performances in films like Kashinath Ghanekar, Katyar Kaljat Ghuli, Subodh Bhave who has a huge fan following always manages to immerse himself in each of his roles. He has been praised many times for his ability to play characters of different levels like complex, stable and his inclusion and contribution will definitely add a new dimension to the film’s story.
About joining the cast of Devmanoos, actor Subodh Bhave said, “I’ve had the privilege of working with both veteran actors Mahesh Manjrekar and Renuka Shahane in films before, but working together with them for the first time in Devmanoos is truly an exciting experience for me. I am very excited to be a part of this incredible film and also look forward to seeing how the audience responds to our collective efforts.”
Although other details of Devmanoos are under wraps, the makers of the film have already given some sort of casting information and have definitely piqued the interest of the audience for the film.
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