Former Minister Vijith Wijayamuni Soysa, who was arrested by the Walana Anti-Vice Unit over an illegally assembled lorry, has been granted bail by the Bandarawela Magistrate’s Court, Ada Derana reporter said.
Accordingly, he has been ordered to be released on a surety bail of Rs. 200,000 by Bandarawela Magistrate Peter Paul.
The case has also been ordered to be recalled on February 06, 2025, according to the reporter.
The former minister was arrested yesterday (19) by the Walana Anti-Vice Unit, after he was questioned for over 5 hours.
Police said that the arrest was made on charges of assembling a lorry using illegally imported vehicle spare parts and creating fraudulent documents for it. The arrested former minister was subsequently handed over to the Haputale Police.
Meanwhile, Parliamentarian Chamara Sampath had arrived at the court this morning (20) to check on the well-being of former Minister Vijith Wijayamuni Soysa.