Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu are among Bollywood’s most adorable couples. They frequently share mushy posts on social media. In a recent photo, Karan is seen kissing his wife lovingly on her birthday. The actor also calls her the “best part of everything.”
On Bipasha Basu’s special day, January 7, 2025, Karan Singh Grover shared a heartwarming Instagram post. The post features a sweet selfie of the couple from their recent Maldives trip, with Karan kissing Bipasha’s cheek. Her radiant smile as she looks into the camera is a testament to their love.
Karan expressed his warmest wishes in the caption, writing, “Wish you a very happy birthday my love. I wish you get everything you want in every moment of your life. I wish god showers you with a gazillion times more love than you give to everyone and everything around you. I wish god bless sea you with infinite abundance in every aspect of your life. Thank you for being you. You are and always will be the best part of everything. Happy birthday, my baby.”
Bipasha Basu married Karan Singh Grover In 2016. Devi is the name of their daughter.
Source: Instagram
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