Acting Inspector General of Police (IGP) Priyantha Weerasuriya has taken steps to relocate several specialized Police divisions of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) from the Butani Building in Narahenpita to the old Police Headquarters building in Colombo Fort. This decision was made cut the financial burden caused by paying a monthly rent exceeding Rs.10 million as rent for the building.
This move is expected to save the Police Department over Rs. 120 million annually. The 20-storey building was leased at a cost exceeding Rs.10 million per month, but only six floors were being utilised. The electricity bill alone for the building exceeds Rs.5 million monthly. The air conditioning system covers the entire building, including unused floors and even the detention cells in the building air-conditioned. It was the only Police complex in Sri Lanka with air-conditioned detention cells.
The building was previously occupied by a specialised division of the military but was leased by the Police Department in 2021, reportedly due to political influence. According to Police sources, when combined with the electricity and water bills, the monthly cost for the building was close to Rs. 20 million.
Since 2022, the Butani Building housed key CID divisions, including the Financial Crimes Investigation Division, the Anti-Terrorism and Investigation Division, and other specialised units. In 2023, the Police Department signed a five-year lease agreement with the building’s owner to continue operations at the location.
Gayan Kumara Weerasinghe